title: nodejs本周动态(2011-04-18/24)

Node on iOS

Nathan Rajlich写了篇在iOS上运行Node的文章: NodeJS on iOS. 他建立了一个项目 node-iOS,为了让iOS原生支持Node. 你的手机必须先越狱。

Native Windows Support on v0.6.0


详细请看PPT: http://nodejs.org/codeconf.pdf


Nedis (MIT License, npm: nedis) by TJ Holowaychuk is a Redis server implemented with Node. TJ has posted some benchmarks of it:

nedis: ops 25048, per second 5009.6
redis: ops 54850, per second 10970

nedis: ops 32729, per second 6545.8
redis: ops 54714, per second 10942.8

作者初衷是为了好玩而写了这个模块 ^_^:

He’s written a blog post with more details: Redis Implemented With Node and mentions the background of the project:

[…] however as our team grows larger, and as we add more non-technical team members over at LearnBoost I figured it would be nice help prevent the need for compiling development dependencies.

Will the Rise of Javascript Mean the End of LAMP?


Javascript 模板引擎性能比较

根据JavaScript template language shootoff的测试结果:

ORM on Node

SPDY Server on node.js



SPDY Server on node.js: https://github.com/donnerjack13589/node-spdy

The JavaScript Disruption

The JavaScript Disruption: The mainstream programming language for the next ten years will be JavaScript. Once considered a toy language useful only for checking form fields on web pages, JavaScript will come to dominate software development. Why this language and why now?


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